The Stage 32 Videos: Character Design

Phantom of the Opry Character Designs

Phantom of the Opry Podcast 1 - Character Designs

Character animation for Movies Reel

Contact: My Website:

The Adventures of Barty and the Pirate

Bartholomew S. Babirusa (Barty) and Cap'n William Wraithe the Pirate meet on a deserted island. The two come to know each other through their mutual admiration of the pirate life. A transmedia research project that is one part game, one part animated series.

Lipsync and expression WIP God of Thunder

I'm working on lip sync, and facial expression in lightwave 3D. I'm using Papagayo to generate the phonemes, and Lightwave and Zbrush for the modeling.

Animation Samples from Film WIP

Here are some sample cuts from a film I'm trying to produce based on my web comic B.I.T.C.H. Squad
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